Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Can I Donate Blood With Herpes Simplex 1 Can You Donate Blood If You Have Herpes Simplex 2?

Can you donate blood if you have herpes simplex 2? - can i donate blood with herpes simplex 1

Your local donor blood collection is a questionnaire to determine whether you are eligible to donate blood. The diagnosis of genital herpes is not banned from blood donation. So yes, you can donate blood if you genital herpes (herpes simplex have) Type 2, unless they are at the point of rupture. If it does, the lesions are dry and crisp.


j;eaojto... said...

EW. I would not if he had blood. No.

cajunres... said...

No, he can.

mutherlu... said...

Yes you can. Herpes is spread through skin contact, not in the blood. If you are in the midst of an outbreak, should not donate. Since we run the risk that the person's blood, but because it is healthy for the donor. This would happen if the flu, cold or other illness, who had fought his body as of the time.

If all people with herpes blood elimiated, there would be no more blood. 25% of the population has genital herpes and 80% were oral. Type 1 and Type 2 are almost identical. Everyone everywhere and you can both cause similar syptoms.

For those who say they do not want the blood of people with herpes can be blood from someone to take the law? Would someone from another race? Are you afraid that this is a different religion, with the blood? Someone with herpes, it is not different. Remember that 8 out of 10 of their relatives and friends already, and it is a very good chance you're one of them.

Tummy said...

Well, I do not think you can donate blood if you shall say that the person receiving the blood also have.

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