Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Corin What Does Fornicator Mean In 1st Corin 6 Verse 9?

What Does Fornicator Mean In 1st Corin 6 verse 9? - corin

In this verse, Paul is clear what kind of people do not come into heaven? The murders, the idolaters, effeminate, and many others ...

He did not say Obscene in the sky? Fornicator comes from the Greek word prostitute, I always thought it meant someone who is not related with sex, they just have sex with other men and do not care to express himself or remorse?

What do you think of the word "fornicator?


Jade Ublu said...

The Greek word translated here as "fornication," "porn" - is where the word comes from porn.

Fornication = sex out side of marriage.

i-need-a... said...

No, marriage, the sex w / out. I've heard some say, but you know, PPL said that this is not a Christian. who believe in God, but no communion with him.

Bill said...

Πορνοι Greek, means a person having sex with someone outside of marriage. (In the plural of the word is masculine, but may relate to men and women, depending on the context.)

But not the rest of the translation of this verse. The word is feminine, what the Greek said, and many different translations with different meanings for αρσενοκοίται still come to see someone who honestly and faithfully translated.

AMM said...

Πόρνος Greek word

Transliterated word porn:
Racine: similar to 4204;

Definition: an adulterer: --

List of English words and the number of used
Fornication (2)
immoral (2)
immoral men (1)
immoral (2)
immoral person (1)
immoral (2).


paula r said...

Fornication is sex outside of marriage.

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